
The beneficiaries of the Harbour Lights Campaign Inc. are 16 food banks in Southern New Brunswick stretching from St. Stephen to Sussex and including the Fundy Isles.

Each food bank will receive a percentage of the total that reflects the percentage of the total clients served in the previous year from the hunger count provided by the New Brunswick Association of Food Banks.

The 2024 Harbour Lights Campaign Inc. recipients were:

Action Ministries of Grand Manan$     5,436.67
Campobello Island Community Food Bank$     2,067.93
Community Food Basket of Saint John $   48,040.57
Deer Island Safety Net$     1,345.27
Hampton Food Basket Inc.$   24,403.85
Kennebecasis Valley Food Basket$   16,221.06
Lakewood Headstart Association Inc $   10,695.45
River Valley Food Bank Association$     2,601.50
St. Andrews Open Door Program$     7,348.95
St. George & Area Food Bank$   15,776.34
Saint John East Food Bank$   53,343.82
Saint John North Food Bank Association$   69,464.82
The Sussex Sharing Club$   17,666.39
The Salvation Army Sussex Food Bank$   21,268.60
Volunteer Centre of Charlotte County$   40,647.15
West Side Food Bank Inc.$   41,392.05
$ 377,721.00

Funds from the annual Harbour Lights Campaign are distributed in late January/early February each year to 16 food banks based on per capita usage as enumerated by the annual hunger count.

These funds are used throughout the late winter and early spring, and into the summer months.  These are times of the year when food banks traditionally struggle to support their client base.

Funds are used by the food banks to purchase food essentials that supplement individual and corporate food donations.

Harbour Lights Donation Totals 2024